sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

(v) stackoverflow ruby report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2012-06-23 21:58:29 GMT

  1. Ruby sprintf acting up in 1.9 - [6/1]
  2. Resque vs. Sidekiq - [5/0]
  3. ActiveRecord query much slower than straight SQL? - [5/1]
  4. Why are symbols not frozen strings? - [5/6]
  5. Are bundle exec and require 'bundler/setup' equivalent? - [4/1]
  6. Ruby proc vs lambda in initialize() - [4/1]
  7. How to garbage collect ActiveRecord objects in hashes - [4/0]
  8. Is Ruby on Rails with Draper or Apotomo a MVVM? - [3/1]
  9. Delete one of many from Array - [3/3]
  10. Why should I use application-specific RVM gemsets in addition to Bundler? - [3/4]

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