domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012

(xxxi) stackoverflow ruby report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2012-12-23 13:07:26 GMT

  1. Rails technique to execute javascript after redirect - [12/2]
  2. Why can't singleton methods be defined on Symbols or Fixnums? - [10/1]
  3. Why does Ruby define Object#=~? - [8/3]
  4. Why are else statements discouraged in Ruby? - [7/3]
  5. Modify color of images in ruby - [7/1]
  6. Find Dead Rails Code - [7/1]
  7. a set of strings and reopening String - [7/1]
  8. Why rails_admin route only work in link_to and not in 'render' - [6/1]
  9. Showing validation errors next to its field - [6/4]
  10. Post response with render partial that has events is not working - [6/1]

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