sábado, 23 de febrero de 2013

(xl) stackoverflow ruby report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2013-02-24 07:59:47 GMT

  1. What does mean both the operators * and (*) in ruby? - [11/3]
  2. The meaning of `*` when using as a param(not like *arg, just *) - [8/2]
  3. how can I run rails server daemon? - [6/2]
  4. How to correctly implement recurring tasks with time/frequency set by user - [6/4]
  5. Why would I NOT want to use inverse_of everywhere? - [5/1]
  6. Newline positions - [5/3]
  7. {grape} authorization - [5/1]
  8. How to add syntax highlighting to sublime text 2 - [5/1]
  9. What does `class << self` mean - [4/1]
  10. How do get the full command line in ruby? - [4/1]

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